Monday, August 8, 2011

Me and My Cowboy

I'm completely horrible at keeping this blog up!  Here are a few pics from the last few months to cheer you up:)

Tryin' on Mommy's Boots...
 Bein' cool with the po-po at a special event..
 Checkin' out the lights!...
 Sharing shaved ice with daddy at our favorite summer place...
 Bein' silly with mommy... (I make him laugh)
 Waterin' mommy's lilies...
 Discovered how to turn on the hose:-)
 Watering the flowers and makin' rainbows...
 Hangin' out with Big Bird...
 Choo-Choo, He's now 2!
 Hangin' out in bed...
 He loves his "panno"
 Halp! Mommy's squishing me!
 Now he's squished by me, his aunt, and uncle (that was visiting from Florida!)
 Playing in his mamaw's flower pot
 Ahh, swinging on mamaw's porch...
 Baby, you're a firework:)
 Enthralled with the fireworks on July 4th that were being set off by Pa-Pa and Daddy... a benefit concert...Mommy's little cowboy:-)

Summer is almost's been a really hot one, so we are looking forward to cooler weather!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What happened to Spring?

It has gone from winter to a monsoon to full-on summer here!  We had rain for over 2 weeks straight and poor B has been beside himself wanting to be outside.  The last few days have been awesome (sun-wise) and I've been able to capture some fun moments with us...

This was taken after our 5k run and family walk for Chance to Hope.  B was enjoying throwing sticks in our creek.

B was helping me bring in the mail by reading up on the latest news...

For Easter, B received pinwheels from his mamaw & a few mornings ago, he found them spinning!

Today we went to the park & any water fountain brightens up the day.

He wasn't so sure about this photo-op.

After the park, we went to Toddler Tales & today they learned about bees!

And what day isn't complete without a walk on the trails with a buddy?

It can wear a boy out!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Year Later...

And we're off again!

Yes, yes, it's that time again...well, sort of.  We were all excited to have warmer weather and sunnier days...then 2 days later it was freezing, raining, and SNOWING.  I'm convinced, like many others, that mother nature is in pms mode.  If she'd just leave it alone and let the sun shine, we'd all be in more upbeat moods (including her!).

I wasn't able to post as often as I'd have liked last year with our adventures...but I'm hoping to make up for it this time around.  So, if you'd like to join us, stay tuned...B is now very mobile and a VERY active toddler.  Goodness knows what we'll get ourselves into!