Tryin' on Mommy's Boots...
Bein' cool with the po-po at a special event..
Checkin' out the lights!...
Sharing shaved ice with daddy at our favorite summer place...
Bein' silly with mommy... (I make him laugh)
Waterin' mommy's lilies...
Discovered how to turn on the hose:-)
Watering the flowers and makin' rainbows...
Hangin' out with Big Bird...
Choo-Choo, He's now 2!
Hangin' out in bed...
He loves his "panno"
Halp! Mommy's squishing me!
Now he's squished by me, his aunt, and uncle (that was visiting from Florida!)
Playing in his mamaw's flower pot
Ahh, swinging on mamaw's porch...
Baby, you're a firework:)
Enthralled with the fireworks on July 4th that were being set off by Pa-Pa and Daddy... a benefit concert...Mommy's little cowboy:-)
Summer is almost's been a really hot one, so we are looking forward to cooler weather!