Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First adventures in the backyard

I'm a bit behind on posting our adventures but here are a few pics to start us off:

Fun in the backyard...daddy realized how tall the grass got overnight when he saw this:-)

I'm hoping to get some pics from my sister of our trip to the park!  We are looking forward to a great summer!  Adventures to come so stay tuned!!


  1. so cute! what a fun idea! i love the layout too. super fresh.

  2. I too love the layout. And what a cute pic of your feet!! :)

  3. Thank you for being a follower! I love your title and the love you have for your family and life.

    I don't know if you have added my new blog (deleted my old one) to your reading list, but here is the link to it:


    Thank you!


Flip Flops